Friday, November 19, 2010

Changing car tyres regularly?

I've heard that you should change the position of the tyres on your car every 10,000kms or so? Is this true and how should you change them? eg front left to front right or front right to back right etcChanging car tyres regularly?
I'm too lazy to write a complete answer - but here's an answer link - car tyres regularly?
Yes this is true (6000mi for the American's). I usually rotate tires in the fassion of moving the front tires to the back and the back tires crossing to the front. It is important to rotate your tires so you keep an even wear on the front and back tires. Usually front tires will wear faster because of the slip angle caused by turning, by rotating them to the rear, all the tires will be experianceing this and the wear will be more spread over all 4 tires. if you don't rotate your tires the front tires will wear out a lot faster then your rear tires, by rotating you tires, you can sometimes get up to 50% more tire life.
front to back back to front. keep in mind alot of new cars have directional tires (the little arrow on sidewall will point to direction of rotation) if not directional, drive tires straight, free rollers crossed.

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